Our friend, John, begins his 100 miler today for childhood cancer. We’ll be there cheering him on!!
100% determination and dedication. John would tell you this run is not about him, but about the sacrifices families go through when they have to face childhood leukemia. We are grateful to his efforts to bring awareness to the local charities that have been established because of these battles.
So Many Angels
Tillery’s Hustle for Hope 5k
The #NoahNation Foundation – TN
Lots of putting and painting and fellowship on a warm, sunny Sunday afternoon.
The giving-spirit was certainly among us – we raised more money than our past events.
We feel so blessed to be surrounded by such an amazing community of loving people!! We are thrilled to continue the mission in honor of all of you!!💜🧡💜
Some highlights from the event…
Overall winners were Turner Duffy and Sayla Massey who led their team to victory!⛳️
The free raffle for the Amazon gift card was won by Michelle Myers.
The nose to toes raffle was won by Sandra Thomas (she generously donated her winnings!).
I’ll be sharing more of the artists and their paintings in the next few days.
UPDATE: To see all our lovely paintings/artists – see here
We are so excited that this young woman is currently up in space with Inspiration 4.
Her story gives us all the feels. From childhood cancer patient, to college student, and now working at St. Jude’s as a Physician’s Assistant with the childhood cancer patients!!
And, what a special moment for the patients that got to video chat with her and the crew in space!!! 🙏🏼💜🧡💜🙏🏼
Knoxville friends, please donate blood or platelets for our friend Neyland. Go to a Medic location near you or come to Central Baptist Church in Fountain City tomorrow (June 9).
Jason Pickel
For all those that can up in the Knoxville area, or any area really, Central Baptist of Fountain City has decided to host a blood drive, and you are able to donate in Neyland’s name! We encourage everyone that will, even if not in Neyland’s name, to donate, because your donation could very well save a life! Please Share to spread the word! Give blood, be a hero!
It’s time for another 100 mile run to bring awareness for childhood cancer. See our friend, John’s, message…
Hope 4 Hattie UltraMarathon
Today is the day! My Daddy runs to infinity and beyond for childhood cancer! 🏃🎗🙏🏻
Come out and support my Dad as he runs 100 miles for childhood cancer! He heads out at 5pm! Please feel free to leave encouragement on his page for him! 🙏🏻🧡🎗
If you can’t be there please consider donating… All these organizations are run by families we personally know.
1. https://heartsforhadley.com/
2. https://tankits.org/
3. https://butterflyfund.org/
4. https://runsignup.com/Race/TN/Knoxville/TillerysHustleforHope5k
5. https://www.acco.org/foundinghope/the-noahnation-foundation-tn/
2 Corinthians 12:9-10
Cheryl Allmon really helped us bring Hearts for Hadley to life. She heard our passion and desire and immediately said, “yes, let’s make this happen!” She still shares our story with other families at the hospital and helps us to help them.
WATE 6 On Your Side
CONGRATULATIONS to all of our Remarkable Women nominees! Cheryl Allmon was selected as this year’s recipient. Each one makes our community a better place. Learn about them here: WATE 6 On Your Side
I can’t think of a more deserving Remarkable Woman! We are proud to know her and all she does to support families of sick and injured children in East TN.
We are working on core strengthening and stamina-both are effected greatly by all the chemo and steroids a child must go through during the course of their treatment (usually 2-3 years). We are almost 4 years post treatment and she continues to get great reports from the lab work they do at her clinic visits.
She’s fallen in love with horses🐴 and rides twice a week as part of her rebuilding therapy. We are blessed!! God has been so incredibly good to our family! We feel your love and support and appreciate your continued prayers for our girl and all the other little cancer warriors.
We are also proud to report that 💜Hearts for Hadley💜 continues to feed families at ETCH during their first week of treatment. As hard as it was to be stuck at the hospital, it was like magic when meals just appeared for us. So, if we can provide a little piece of magic during the onset of diagnosis, we will march on with our mission. If you’d like to help, you can donate using PayPal (heartsforhadley@yahoo.com) or pm for the address to send a check.
Watch this preview of The Cancer Dad Podcast. You might see a few familiar faces. Then listen to the podcast to get the dad’s perspective of childhood cancer. Thank you Jason!
Jason Pickel
I wanted to share this video tonight to give everyone a glimpse of what our podcast will be about that goes live tomorrow. I’m really excited and anxious about this podcast as my family and others will be putting our story out there about our journeys through the world of Childhood Cancer! Just heads up most everyone will be getting an invite to my page this evening when I go public with it. Up to you if you want to join it but here’s a short clip of what and who is behind the purpose of The CancerDad Podcast! (the wording is a little fast but I can’t edit the speed, sorry).